
AKCGlobal - Working with Us...

AKCGlobal is an international consultancy specialising in the analysis, design and delivery of highly complex projects in the commercial, development and public sectors. We do incredible work by giving smart, talented and kind people incredible freedom and responsibility.

  • We are a consultancy, but we work with systems of people, not just focused on ‘management’…
  • We are a business, but our priority is doing incredible work, and believe that profit is a natural by-product…
  • We are smart, but if that’s taught us anything, it’s that there’s so much more we have to learn…
  • We are optimists, but we believe that the best decisions about the future are made with cold hard facts…

There are good people out there trying to save the world in spite of itself. They’re selflessly fighting a ground war against overwhelming odds and the forces of fear, mediocrity, prejudice, greed, evil, laziness, and stupidity. We’re their air superiority, and we’re here to make sure they’re not in the fight alone.

We help good people solve wicked problems.

If you’re one of us, and we’re who you’ve been looking for - have a look at our opportunities below and get in touch!

Future Projects - Join Our Contact, Supplier and Consultant Database

Wickedness in the world is rampant, and we’re always looking for people who:

  • Lean in and grin when challenged by a truly messy, complex and worthwhile problem…
  • Are optimistic and believe that with hard work, the future is going to be better than the past…
  • Are troublemakers, but for good reasons, and make things better in organisations and the world…
  • Think different than most, in non-linear ways and have a knack for seeing order in chaos…
  • Care about what they do and the people they do it with, mixing heart, spine and mind in equal measure…

Sound like you?  Then we want to know what you do - whether business services, management or development consulting - and how to find you:

Submit your contact details and CV/resume to our database here

Currently looking for...

At the moment, we’re particularly looking for skills, knowledge and talent in any of the following areas:

Business Expertise

  • Programme and Project Management:Can you scope, build and deliver a complex programme or project with multiple stakeholders, unexpected twists, landmines and snipers (hopefully figurative), and bring it home with grace, flexibility, good humour and professionalism?
  • Monitoring, Evaluation, Accountability and Learning (MEAL):Are you able to quantify the mercurial, tell the different between outputs and outcomes, think far enough ahead to figure out how to start as we should mean to go on, and capture innovation and insight to share along the way?
  • Data Analysis, Modelling and Digital Visualisation:Do you have the ability to distil meaning and value from mountains (or spreadsheets) of raw data, build models that find the simplicity on the far side of complexity, and package it up in a way that hooks viewers' minds and imaginations?

Development Expertise

  • Democracy, Governance and Civil Society:Can you improve the systems of elections, the rule of law, civil society and public administration, find innovative ways to both inform and motivate popular engagement and civic duty, and work with government agencies around the world to increase effectiveness, responsiveness and transparency?
  • Fragile and Conflict-Affected States:Can you deploy quickly after a natural disaster, help set up and manage a refugee camp, work in drought or famine relief, support emergency medical aid, facilitate the demobilisation of combatants, or support transition from conflict toward stability?
  • Educational Infrastructure and Reform:Do you have expertise in assessing a country’s educational systems and building institutional capacity (Ministry, agencies, standards bodies), curriculum development (primary, secondary, university), professional development (teachers, administrators), and inclusion of marginalised or minority populations?

Geographic Expertise

  • Afghanistan and Pakistan:Have you lived/worked in, and are you familiar with the history, culture, languages and current/recent events in Afghanistan, Pakistan and the region, including autonomous tribal regions and geopolitical influences of Iran and Russia?
  • Syria, Jordan, Lebanon and Iraq:Have you lived/worked in, and are you familiar with the history, culture, languages and current/recent events in these specific fragile and conflict-affected countries and their regional dynamics?
  • West Africa/ECOWAS:Have you lived/worked in, and are you familiar with the history, culture, languages and current/recent events in countries of the West African region, and their regional dynamic (in particular Ghana, Cote d'Ivoire, Liberia, Mali, Burkina Faso, and Nigeria)?

Submit your contact details and CV/resume to our database here

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If you want a different approach; if you’ve never used consultants before; if the project’s failed a time or two already; or you need an urgent solution to a Wicked Problem, contact us.

Want to chat?

Give us a call

  • UK: +44 20 3815 8616
  • US: +1 (202) 688-5739
  • Skype: AKCGlobal

Pay us a visit

Lafone House
Unit 1.9, The Leather Market
11 – 13 Weston Street